Friday, August 10, 2012


I often think of my other (nonexistent) self who does an amazing art project everyday with the kids and gets time to make a wonderful dinner and folds and puts away laundry then gets the kids to bed by 8 and has time to work on a craft at night then sip on a drink and watch a show and still be in bed before midnight..... Then I get depressed. So I have resorted to catching a few minutes online on my laptop (not my Android in my pocket) around midnight and maybe having a drink then! I'm lucky if I make a decent dinner. An art project? How about: "Here, kids, there's the paint, brushes, glue and markers. I have to go nurse the baby. Here's a snack. See you in a bit. Please be quiet." It's called REALITY. We all DO try. Some days more than others. I am satisfied with one cool thing per day. Summer is easier than winter. Swimming, sand toys, playgrounds, sidewalk chalk, biking, picnics, running around outside....EASY! Winter: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm not lazy by definition. BUT I do tend to err on the side of lazy anytime a hardship enters my life or brain. LAZINESS/LAZY: "disinclined to activity or exertion, not energetic or vigorous." Yup, that is me some days. I am a mother to three girls. Sometimes I feel that if we can just have a little fun and be generally fine, that's a good day. Is that being lazy? ...or is it just life?

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